Colorful Patterns, FREE Patterns, Free Target Bag Patterns, Nerdy Patterns, Uncategorized

Those darn Target Bags are HOT, HOT, HOT!

So, right now… I’m living in Italy. But that hasn’t stopped me from watching all of the hype in the social media threads about those adorable little cross stitch cosmetic purses! In fact, thanks to the internet, many people from all sorts of countries are green with envy over the posts of Americans showing off their awesome stitchworks and the overflowing bins in the target dollar section! There have been so many amazing people (we call them “floss fairies”) willing to purchase some for people who aren’t as fortunate as to have a Target store near them, or those who find themselves having missed out on the ransacked and left-for-bare bins!

It’s very obvious to see that these bags are super HOT right now! They come with a needle, some threads, and a couple free patterns from which to choose. But many folks are taking to the drawing boards to design their own unique patterns.

There are still many people who’d love to stitch up one, or two, or five…. and are lost for inspiration. People begging to see patterns and examples, combing the net for ideas.

Well… I’ve decided to jump in on this fun, myself! My hubby comes back from a very long (2 months) business trip and will be bringing me back a humble few. But for now… My mind is spinning with ideas, and I have no other intention but to share, share, share with you all! Over the course of this week, I will be posting several freebie patterns per day to share with you all and hopefully inspire your pouches!

Some for the nature lovers, some for the geeky nerds, some for the subversive-minded, and some that are just MY thing!

So check back often, and join us on our Facebook group… Be sure to share your work and tag us! (@LittleIsolaStitchworks on Instagram)

And as always… Enjoy your lickin’and stickin’, stitchy friends!

Here are your freebie patterns for today: (to download, simply right click on the image and download it to your computer, or click and hold to download to your mobile ddvice… Just saying…because lots of our not-so-computer-friendly people ask me.)

Please support my little Etsy store: Little Isola Designs (Stitchworks)